仕様(現行品の仕様です、変更があったかもしれませんが参考に)SPECIFICATIONS -Length - 4500mm / Beam - 600mm / Weight 22kg / Cockpit Length 780mm - Width 425mmMANUFACTURE -The Challenge Breeze is moulded using the latest polyethylene resins, allowing us to produce lighter and stronger kayaks.DESIGN / PERFORMANCE -The Challenge Breeze is both agile and responsive, with excellent stability, making it suitable for both beginners and more advanced paddlers. It is a multi-purpose kayak at home on lakes, rivers, in surf, in rockpools and around coastlines. 引き渡し場所は札幌JR新川駅近くになります。 金曜から日曜の昼まではキャンプに行っていますのでこの間は引き渡しできません。昼間も夜間も対応できます。NCNRでお願いします。
仕様(現行品の仕様です、変更があったかもしれませんが参考に)SPECIFICATIONS -Length - 4500mm / Beam - 600mm / Weight 22kg / Cockpit Length 780mm - Width 425mmMANUFACTURE -The Challenge Breeze is moulded using the latest polyethylene resins, allowing us to produce lighter and stronger kayaks.DESIGN / PERFORMANCE -The Challenge Breeze is both agile and responsive, with excellent stability, making it suitable for both beginners and more advanced paddlers. It is a multi-purpose kayak at home on lakes, rivers, in surf, in rockpools and around coastlines.